Looking for local artisans & homesteaders

We are looking for local artisans and homesteaders to start a series on healthy and self stainable living.

We are reaching out to those who have the experience that can speak or demonstrate what they have learned to this amazing little community. We do feed people two times a week but this is also a community center, and I can think of nothing better than learning from one another to create opportunities for growth. If you would be willing to teach a class (canning, bread making, soap making, etc ) or give a presentation (gardening, herbs, keeping chickens, etc) please reach out to us at gatherings4mainstreet@gmail.com. Even if you're too busy right now but would be willing to do something later. Currently booking when ever works for you. This is a fantastic opportunity to get more exposure for your homestead or business.

So far we have had canning, all things bee-keeping, soap making, and crafting classes. Please send this around there is lots of interest in taking the classes!!!


Painting with Bob Ross